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Pruning shears in the garden in early spring

6 Facts to Know Before Trimming Your Trees

Most property owners view pruning as a simple chore. Yet there are numerous things to think about, such as the tree’s size and type, its growth behavior, and your geographic location.

Without giving enough thought to these factors, you risk killing your tree. If you care about the health and appearance of your greenery, read on to learn these six facts before trimming your trees.

1. Cut Off the Weakest Branches

Diseased, damaged, or dead branches can be pruned at any time of year. Prompt pruning is essential to promote plant health and prevent permanent harm.

By cutting these branches, you can guarantee the plant grows and bears the fruit you want, receives an adequate supply of water and nutrients and can resist adverse weather. It’s advisable to start with the weakest trees and work your way up to the strongest.

2. Use the Rule of Thirds

Experts agree that this rule is the best way to maintain the health and productivity of fruit trees. The rule of thumb is to cut off no more than a third of the branch at a time to avoid damaging or stunting its growth. Nevertheless, you won’t see any improvement if you prune too little.

3. Make Appropriate Cuts

Arborists advise making these types of cuts:

  • A heading cut: This energizes and promotes the growth of fresh, sturdy shoots beneath. Moreover, it promotes shade and crowding. The tree’s health could be harmed if you make too many little heading cuts, so try to limit them.
  • A thinning cut: This assists in eliminating an entire branch, sprout, or scaffold without impairing the tree’s development, health, or shape.

4. Trim Trees When They’re Dormant

When in doubt, prune trees in the winter when they are otherwise dormant. You’ll be able to ease their burden in this way. Dormancy makes locating the limbs and performing the necessary incisions simpler.

5. Get Rid of Old Spurs

Old, frail spurs produce late-blooming and possibly smaller fruits. Pruning them down to just one or two upright buds will strengthen them considerably. This will allow them to soak up more rays of sunshine.

6. Create Incisions in the Bottom

By cutting from the underside of the branch, you can prevent the development of tall, shade-causing shoots and save money on future trimming.

Pros Are Ready to Help

Trimming is one of the first things a responsible homeowner does after planting a tree. Remove any infected, dead, or damaged limbs immediately. Professional tree service firms help lessen the workload of you having to do the trimming yourself. At Five Star Professional Services LLC, we’re proud of the high-quality services like trimming and pruning that we provide to our clients in Kalamazoo, MI, so call us today.